travel through your imagination

for how long can you sit at home? The travelling has been postponed for more than an year, even domestic destinations seems out of option with the pandemic going crazy all over the world. I wonder, has it changed us for ever. Well! we are humans , we will bounce back, and slowly return to a place before we came to know about that ugly place called Wuhan.

If chinese could have controlled their appetite, or would have tried to bit more honest, we all would have been in a better place. But till then, we have to travel in our imaginations to keep ourselves sane. We, who are bitten by travel bug, are not the right people to be locked behind those closed doors. But heath is important and this pandemic is no scary conspiracies. We must hold back and postpone on all those plans.

Anyways, the Paris is nothing without those crowded cobbled streets and Rome seems tasteless without those beer cafes on its streets and vatican is the place even pope wont explore at this point. It seems even gods have to close its door for us. Forgive us mortals, O lord, for we have sinned and sinned bad.

32 Best Things to Do in Paris - Condé Nast Traveler
The magic happened there

Imagine your next destination, some where domestic, which you can visit in august when all this disease settles down and medically we are closer to getting the vaccine. I find it funny, when I will tell the younger generations that all these nuclear powered nations having permanent space stations fell short of ventilators when the need arise.

The Importance Of Imagination

Till then, use your imagination to revisit the beautiful spots and places you have already visited and do let me know in comments your experiences and insights into the cities you have explored and next week, I will talk about my visit to Canada decade back.

Published by traveldblog.karan

I am a writer, traveler, and recently turned blogger, an English literature graduate, a registered pharmacist, and human at heart. I know I am wearing too many hats but I am still lovable..

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