the girl on the train – book review

With so much time during this extended lock-down, books have come to our rescue, so many of them which were crying for attention on the shelf of my living room, i finished one of the best sellers. There was a time when there was half a dozen books every year that featured in new york times best seller list. These days, it seems its a dozen every month which makes the life all more difficult for critics like me who are any which ways reading one book a month.

The girl on the train is a story about a girl, obviously vying on the train each day. Its very difficult to empathise with her given the circumstances and you feel a bit lost in the story. The story has been written in a very unique which I came across for the first time in a very long time. The entire novel is written as a dairy log of different people, which gives a very personal peek into the characters.

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The protagonist is twisted and complicated and had many layers. But even after peeling off all the layers, I could not like her. Sympathize? YES!!! but nothing more. The story revolves around 3 characters and a murder, and gives you very different perspective and cover the plot from all the angles. It grips you somewhere in the middle, but its a task to reach till that page 97. If you could do that, you are good to go.

The Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins | A brilliantly ...

Since, it is a thriller, I wont say much, but don’t hate Anna, and the rustling of the leaves and the house number 13 on that Blanheim street do play a character in the plot. No one is a saint and Paula Hawkins sets that outright clear in the first chapter itself by depicting the shades of grey from the very beginning. A failed marriage and a murder, you get a page turner.

My Ratings: 3.7/5

Published by traveldblog.karan

I am a writer, traveler, and recently turned blogger, an English literature graduate, a registered pharmacist, and human at heart. I know I am wearing too many hats but I am still lovable..

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